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Category: Mental Health Resource

Whisper of A Regret
Whisper of A Regret
In that evening, the sun dipped behind the horizon, painting the sky with a dazzling touch of scenery....
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My Personal Story
My Personal Story
Lora Chalise Golston, The worst year of my life was 2019. Years prior, I lied to my parents several...
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Therapist's Story
A Therapist’s Story of Battling with Suicidal Thoughts
Heavy chest, continual sadness, nonstop crying… what’s wrong with me? These are some of the many symptoms...
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Empty Pill Bottles
I arrived home from grade school to hear Mom groaning. Empty pill bottles lay strewn about her nightstand....
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Both Sides of the Bridge
Some people may not realize that suicide is such a common cause of death. (In fact, it is the tenth leading...
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