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Tag: youth mental health

I was going to Die
The Day I Was Going to Die
– By Jeff Under the gray expanse of the sky, I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles white with...
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Whisper of A Regret
Whisper of A Regret
In that evening, the sun dipped behind the horizon, painting the sky with a dazzling touch of scenery....
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My Personal Story
My Personal Story
Lora Chalise Golston, The worst year of my life was 2019. Years prior, I lied to my parents several...
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Battling Suicidal Thoughts
Battling Suicidal Thoughts
“You’re so ugly dude.” “He dumb as a bag of some rocks.” “You dress like a bum, that’s how I know...
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Suicidal Thoughts
My Struggle with Suicidal Thoughts and How I Overcame It
Part I Many people struggle with suicidal thoughts; some never live to tell their stories. I am one...
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